God is good

Happiness is...a giggly baby.

Toothless grins

A snuggly, bald head

Chubby, squishy cheeks

Giant blue eyes

Also...did you notice my new blog feature?
'Craft Facts' can be found on the right hand side of the blog above 'Happy Things.'
Don't be afraid to comment on here.
Be brave!


Love the "Craft Facts"! Might have to copy that idea some time. Right now I'm averaging 10 loads of laundry per week. Some of that is due to a major backwards step Emily has taken in the #2 department. I've washed the bathroom rugs 4 times in the last 10 days. :op
Sarah Craft said…
Ugh! Sorry to hear that Megan. We'll keep our fingers crossed that Emily will return to her big girl undies status very soon!
Great pictures, CJ sure is a cutie pie!

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