Comments Requested, Please

For about a year now I have struggled with the issue of toys.
Where to store?
How to convince Kate to play with them?

Kate doesn't really play with toys.
She is 3 and like all 3 year olds her attention span is very short.
Kate will play toys with me for a few minutes, but it is difficult to help her focus on an activity for much longer that.  Which means we will get out 10 various sets of toys within half an hour of playing together.  But again she is 3.  I get it.  She is not physically able to focus on anything for too long.
I have also been working with her on picking up toys before we change activities. 
We have had some success here.  She usually is quite good at this.

Kate is also the first child which means she prefers mom to play with her.
Is there a way to encourage her to occasionally spend some time playing by herself?

I have tried storing her toys in the living room.  Not much difference in the above.
I have also tried storing her stuff in her bedroom without success.
I converted the guest room to a toy room.  Nope, that didn't really work.
I have also tried letting the toys roam free.  Some scattered between living room, bedroom and toy room.

I am coming up empty handed.

Don't read this wrong.
I enjoy playing with Kate.  I really do.
I full understand that my time with Kate as a toddler is limited.
I have learned from parents of older children that Kate and CJ will like me only for a short amount of time.  At that point they will no longer want to spend time with me.   I realize I must take advantage of this precious time now.  But sometimes I need Kate to spend a few moments by herself.

I have found myself becoming increasingly frustrated as I try to complete tasks while Kate asks again and again for me to play with her.
"Honey, I do want to play but mommy needs to get this done." -That statement never works.

Perhaps my frustrations are hightened because CJ needs attention sometimes, too.

So this is what I bring to my loyal readers.  I need your advice.  Your encouragement.  Your suggestions.  Your COMMENTS!

1. How do you encourage your child to play by him or herself?
2. Where do you store toys to ensure your child's ability to occasionally spend some time by themself?
3. And your honesty.  Am I being selfish by desiring the opportunity for Kate to play by herself?

I can handle truthfulness. 

I want to be a great mom.
And sometimes even great moms need a little advice.  Thanks!


Courtney said…
No, definitely not selfish. I say quality is better than quantity. You'll be a better mom if you have some "me time'.

Don't know if this will help but I am working on sorting through all the kids toys. Organizing them into small totes. My plan is to put away all but one or two totes and rotate them out every week or so. That way they always have something "new" and interesting to play with. And, it cuts down on the massive amounts of clutter from toys.
You definitely need some alone time just like all moms. Can you send Kate to her room for quiet time? Start off at 15 minutes and work up to 30-45? I have found that if I ask Wendell to pick up his toys, he starts playing with them and then 1/2 an hour later I'm a little frusterated that he has not followed my directions but also happy that he's entertaining himself and actually playing with his toys. I do think it's important that children learn to entertain themselves so I think it would be good for you to push Kate in the direction of some alone time. You might also want to try to explain to Kate what you're doing but not sure she'd quite get it. I'm not sure if any of this has been helpful but those are my thoughts for now.
I take for granted how well Emily entertains herself. I don't know if it's just in her personality or if it's something I fostered. I can't remember how it developed or came about, so I'm not going to be much help. I know when she was real little I struggled with the question of how much I should play with her. I think I erred on the side of letting her be on her own as much as possible to encourage self-entertainment. But again, that might just be personality, too. You are definitely not selfish for needing/requesting some time just to get things done.

I would try Heather's idea of trying to establish a "quiet time" or "play in your room by yourself" time and start off short (10 min.) and work your way up.

As far as toys, I have them spread between a few places (living room, Emily's room, basement). I've done the box organizing thing. It kind of works. At least not everything is out all the time. I don't do a very good job of putting things away when new things come out. Thus, I need to do another toy sort and put more stuff away again.

Good luck!

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