Whew... (Updated!)

What a day! Today was both horrific and glorious...if that is even possible.

The day started ugly. After several days of poor sleep, Kate stumbled into our room around 6 a.m. and asked to sleep in our bed. It was the very first time she went to Matt's side of the bed. I think he was genuinely touched. About half an hour later we awoke to Kate throwing up all over the bed. Matt suddenly was less touched she chose his side of the bed. For the next couple of hours both girls were crying, I was covered in yuck and I had cleaned the bed, the couch and the floor...in several locations. Ugh!

But as the day moved forward Kate became more and more healthy. Matt was somewhat sick on Sunday and this bug has moved through Kate. Now let's hope CJ and I avoid it! PLEASE!

So the glorious part... CJ finally, miraculously drank a bottle! HALLELUJAH!! A whole new world has opened up for me!! And hopefully a whole new world for CJ as well. You see, CJ hasn't been sleeping well at all. And today is the first day she looked worn down and tired. Her eyes were screaming for sleep but for some reason her body won't stay asleep. So I'm hoping the extra food from the bottle will help her stay asleep longer. And thereby also help me get some sleep. But again, let's hope CJ and I stay healthy so we can maybe, possibly capitalize on her getting a little extra food for the belly.

Something I meant to write about awhile ago was that CJ rolled over for the first time. It happened the day after Christmas but hasn't happened since. I kind of think it was a fluke so I didn't get too excited. Although now days she is trying with all her might to flip from back to tummy. She thrusts her head and body as hard as she can but her one arm is perpetually in the way. It is really cute to us and probably frustrating to her.

Well I hope to greet everyone tomorrow morning with a healthy, happy house. I'll report back later.

UPDATE: So the bottle feeding last night didn't really change CJ's sleeping patterns. Rats. But it doesn't matter much anyway because I made several attempts at giving her a bottle again today (Matt also tried before bed) and she refused. So apparently her drinking a bottle was a fluke.

I also have an update on rolling. I walked to the kitchen to start dinner when Kate came sprinting in yelling, "CJ rolled over! CJ rolled over!" We ran back to the living room to find CJ face down on her blanket squirming for help. Kate and I cheered and told CJ she did such a great job. Is this the beginning of rolling mobility? Time will tell.


Matt said…
It's always darkest before dawn. That may be true of yesterday. After a trying day we finaly hit a break through on the bottle.

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