Kate's large collection of art supplies has begun to take over the dining room.  The dining room is one of the central rooms in our house.  We spend a lot of time in there drawing, eating, playing and occasionally reading.  And because I want us to continue to use the dining room for things other than simply coloring, I had to come up with an organizational system.  Previously Kate had her own drawer in the buffet for paper and crayons.  Then we had to add a storage container for the art supplies and the drawer for paper only.  Then both the container and the drawer were overflowing. 
So here is our new system...

This drawer is for crayons, pens, markers, glue, paints and stickers. 
I used box tops as dividers.

And this drawer is for paper, coloring books, notebooks and another paint set.  Again I used box tops to separate everything.

A wide angle view of Kate's drawers.

And Kate in her jammies taking advantage of the new system. 
The egg carton holds sequins and other do-dads that she can glue onto paper.


Very impressive--what a creative use for box lids!
Matt said…
I swear those art supplies breed in that drawer. Every time I open it they have multiplied.
Way to get organized! So far ours fits in a tub but it's pretty full so who knows what'll be next. Good idea on the box tops!

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