Blog Update

Well, I've been slaving away trying to figure out internet code and java scripts all in the name of improving my blog. It is not completely finished but it is getting close. Here are some things that are new in case you have not noticed.

Most noticeable is the header which is a collage of cute pics. Second, I have discovered a hidden way to enlarge my photos in the individual blog posts. Third, on the right hand side you will see a heading that reads 'Happy Things.' Below this heading is a list of links to cool things I have found online that I would like to share with you. Finally, the picture of my family and the picture of our house are now links that when clicked on will lead you to any and all posts relating to my family or the house. I still have some work to do on these but the links now exist. I hope you will check it all out and PLEASE give me your feedback. You can share your feedback by posting a comment on this post or emailing me at


"Love" the new header! :o) The "Happy Things" idea is cool, too. Are you using the old post editor or the new post editor. I discovered quite by accident this week that there was an upgrade, but you have to select it in your settings (bottom of "Basic" tab). There are pros and cons. You can change picture sizes from S to XL within the post. Haven't used XL yet. I'm still getting used to it.

Good luck with the rest of your changes. It took me 3 tries to get the html script for Google Analytics properly installed, and I even have a basic knowledge of html. I'd like to change my blog layout/design for the new year but have so far been too busy, tired or lazy. Maybe someday. ;o)
Sarah Craft said…
I too recently discovered the new post editor. However, that didn't happen until I had learned to enlarge pics the hard way. Oh well, now I know two ways to go about it. I really like the new photo editor. Really pretty simple.

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