
I feel as if I've been very absent from my blog as of late. So, here is a brief wrap-up on what has been going on with us.

The blizzard hit us on Tuesday and Wednesday and we were trapped in the house for about three full days. I attempted to take Kate out for a bit during CJ's morning nap but Kate was cold and didn't last long. Despite this we did enjoy ourselves outside. We made snow angels and ran 'races' on the sidewalk.

This morning I ran the Snow Shuffle; a 5K race in the chill of winter. My dad came up and the two of us, along with my friend Heather, ran 3 miles on snowy, icy roads. The race was scheduled to take place on the trails around Cedar Falls but after 10+ inches of snow the run was moved to the roads. I was very pleased with my time especially considering the occasional slip on the snow. I finished in 28:20 and somehow managed to stay warm the entire run. Lots of runners dressed up and some even sang Christmas carols while running. When I got home Kate asked to wear my race number, put on my stop watch and ran laps around the house. Super cute!

I'm done with my Christmas shopping and have been for awhile. It has been great to sit back and just enjoy the snow and family. I'm planning to do some Christmas baking this week and next.

Matt however has not been able to relax quite as much. This past Thursday was his last day at Randall & Nelson law. On Friday he started with his new firm at Dutton, Braun, Staack and Hellman. He is really excited about the change and I think the new firm will be a great fit for him. There is a lot of initial paperwork and things like that to get through before he can really get himself settled. But hopefully in the next week or two it feel like home for him.

CJ was doing a fabulous job sleeping through the night for awhile but has entered a new phase. She wakes about 2 times a night again. I know it is simply a phase and will pass in the next week or two but boy do I miss a good night of sleep. Despite this new pattern CJ continues to be a super happy baby. She smiles easily and it seems her favorite thing in the whole world is her sister. Often times she insists on sitting in an upright position so she can watch Kate. If Kate talks or sings, you will usually find CJ cooing at her. If CJ is lying on the floor she will strain with all her might to find Kate. I think CJ is going to do whatever her big sister does. Should be fun!

Kate also loves CJ. Kate kisses CJ goodnight before bed and shares her toys. Kate even asked CJ to play Go-Fish with us the other day and wasn't upset at all when CJ ended up with more matches than her. Kate has more energy than ever and expels this energy daily by running circles through the house, practicing her 'dance moves', jumping up and down and generally flailing around. It is entertaining and exhausting all in one.

Well that is all for now. I'll try to get on again and post some pics sometime soon!


Hope CJ starts sleeping good again! Harlie's been doing the same thing so it must just be a phase or growth spurt or something. Congrats on the decent run time!

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