The mind of a two year old

Kate has been coming up with some funny stuff lately.

She started this morning with a whopper of a tale. Here is her story:

"Last night, my sleep in my bed and my hear a big bang. So my walk out my room and find Backo (Baxter the cat) in hallway. Kitty get sick all over floor and my clean up and then go back to bed."

Sure you did.

And just this afternoon I got another good laugh. I was putting Kate down for a nap and turned on her fan. We began using the fan when she was a baby to drown out noise and we haven't given it up since. Anyway, I turned on her fan and it wouldn't start up. I received the fan as a gift from my parents while in college and we have used it about 14 hours a day since Kate was born...and I'm sure our energy bill has suffered as a result. So I told Kate the fan wasn't working. She threw herself on the bed and began bawling.

Me - "Why are you crying, Kate?"
Kate - "My fan no work!"
Me - "That's OK, we can always get a new one."
Kate - Sob, bawl, sniffle, cry, gulp..."Maybe get pink fan?"

Thankfully I laughed hard enough at her comment that she stopped sobbing and began laughing uncontrollably. Goofy girl.


pink fan.. oh so funny. the dreams of a 2 year old.

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