Vicious Cycle

Can you guess the significance of these times?

11:30 p.m., 1:30 a.m., 3:45 a.m., 5:15 a.m.

These are the times I rose out of bed for CJ. And unfortunately 5:15 a.m. is the time she is up for the day now. We shouldn't be doing this at 2 months old. But I guess this explains why I have been sick so many times in the last three or four weeks. I just got over a cold I've had since last weekend only to awake with a new one beginning this morning. Yuck! OK, I'll stop my pity party now. Just say a little prayer for me that I find a way to get through today and hope this third cold runs its course quickly.

Although it is difficult to stay too upset when little CJ is smiling and cooing at me. I think my best medicine at this point is to thrive off her cuteness.


Urgghh... not fun to be sick and/or up constantly with a little one. Hope you're feeling better soon!

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