Empty Cupboards, Full Crafts

Now that I am basically done with my Real Simple recipe fun we have started a new meal plan. Throw things together and hope they taste good. Let me explain. We decided we have a lot of food stockpiled. It was completely unintentional. When we make a trip to Walmart or Sam's Club and there is a great deal...well, it is hard to pass it up. We have therefore collected a large supply of canned goods and various frozen foods. So the plan for as long as possible is to eat as much as we can from what we currently have stored. And as a result, I haven't been to the grocery store in over two weeks and counting. I do, however, visit the store when we need milk or fresh fruits and veggies but for the most part we are simply eating what is at hand.

The cupboards and freezers are slowly emptying and Matt is loving every minute of it. He spends at least 5 minutes each morning and 10 minutes at night taking a mental inventory of what we have eaten and what we have left to consume. He delights at the empty shelves and gets excited to hear what is for dinner...even when it is some foods thrown together with various spices. It has actually been somewhat fun coming up with new recipes and saving money at the same time. I'll let everyone know how long we make it without a major shopping trip.


You'll have to let us know what creative and tasty recipes you come up and if there are any bloopers. I have dried beans that have been in my cupboard for awhile but just don't have the motivation to come up with a use for them.. so they sit waiting for their destiny moment of being eaten.
I need to do the same thing the month of December. Now that we're all settled into a new house with a large pantry closet and a chest freezer, I have been stockpiling like never before. I think I have enough meat to last until January. There have been some great deals lately! That explains why I currently have an 18 lb. turkey defrosting in my fridge after vowing never to do one again for the last 3 years in a row. :o)

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