Wasp Ninja

Wasp Ninja was back at it today. Who is Wasp Ninja you wonder? Why, it is me!

I got my self assigned name from an experience several years back with a pesky wasp that found its way into my apartment. I was single at the time and living in Cedar Falls. I went to bed that night and as soon as the lights went out I heard a loud buzzing. I turned on the light and found one of my biggest nemesis...a wasp. Being keenly aware of my lack of hand /eye coordination I wasn't about to swat at it and risk getting stung. So after watching the wasp land on my window blinds I wrapped myself in a spare bed sheet with nothing but my eyes peeping out and a pair of scissors in hand. I jumped onto a chair ever so stealth like, opened the scissor blades and cut the wasp's head off. No lie. Unfortunately I also cut the suspension cord on my blinds thereby ruining my rented blinds, but hey, that wasp wasn't going to bother me again.

So today the Wasp Ninja was called out of retirement. I noticed a very large something or other flying around our house. But it was so fast that I could never get a good look at him. Until my friend Heather was over and we finally saw him land on the wall. A wasp! Heather told me I should swat at him with something, but she apparently hasn't witnessed my horrible hand / eye coordination. So she then suggested a vacuum. I drug out the vacuum and attached the hose. I climbed onto a chair. While Heather held the vacuum as high as she could, I stretched to my tip toes to reach the vacuum hose to the ceiling and whoosh, the wasp was sucked into his dusty death trap. I then ran outside with the vacuum where I ripped out the bag, tossed it into the garbage can and ran back into the house. The hose is still sitting on the porch...just in case the wasp is hiding out awaiting his revenge.

So there you have it. Wasp Ninja strikes again. I was scared, but not too afraid to protect my friends and family. That's how a ninja rolls.


Sarah, you crack me up.. cutting off a wasp head is a new story to add to the books. Might I also add this recent wasp wasn't a normal wasp. It swooped and flew around very quickly (it reminded me of a bat). It took us a few minutes just to find it and then figure out what it was. This wasp was not in the mood for a battle but.. a battle it got. Future wasps, watch out! Sarah is learning new moves every year!

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