Watch Out Paula Radcliffe

I went out for my first run since having CJ. Actually, I haven't run since very, very early in the pregnancy so it has been a long time coming. I ran a full 20 minutes and I am as pleased as punch with that. My legs are pretty achy now but I'm not sure if that is from the actual jog or if it is just a lack of sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I have gotten only a little. CJ has been a champion sleeper during the day and a champion crier at night. Most of the time I can get her to sleep after an hour or so of trying but she wakes the moment I put her down. I may resign myself to sleeping in the guest room with her from here on out. That is about the only way I can guarantee any rest.

But back to my happy news, I ran today! It was 20 minutes where I felt like myself again and not someone who is needed at every waking, and sleeping, moment. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mommy but I also fully enjoy the occasional kid-free moment.

To continue my random topics, I also want to mention that CJ has finally started taking a pacifier. It helps calm her during her more unsettled moments and well, it actually appears it may have helped her fall asleep right now. So the question is, do I let her sleep on the floor for a few hours or do I attempt to transfer her to the crib. I think I'll vote crib. Keep your fingers crossed!!


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