No real changes...

I had another doctor appointment this afternoon. I am now 2 cm whereas last week I was almost 2 cm dilated. This appointment brought me back to reality. I had convinced myself I was going to have this baby early but considering I barely progressed in the last week makes me realize that early is not likely to happen. I keep telling myself that not going early is a good thing because life is going to be busy in the next three weeks. Primarily because Matt is going to be gone a lot and an early arrival would really throw plans for a loop. However, if I have learned anything from Kate it is not to plan because life with kids doesn't work out as planned. So who knows.

This weekend Matt is golfing most of Saturday and Sunday and we will also be making a drive to Cedar Rapids for my parents 35th anniversary. The following weekend Matt will be in Ames Friday through Saturday night while Kate and I will be in Clear Lake. And the last weekend before I'm due Matt is golfing in a big tournament. Anyway, I doubt my readers care to here our day to day plans. :)

So there is my baby update. I am very fortunate to feel pretty good and to not have started swelling so I can't complain at all. I am going to stop dwelling on the amount of time remaining in this pregnancy and instead enjoy my last few weeks having fun with Kate.


I think that enjoying the last few days alone with Kate is a great perspective!

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