Baby Non-Update

By now I'm sure most of my 'readers' have heard about our little adventure on Wednesday night but just in case you have not, then here you go.

We went to bed around 10 Wednesday night and as soon as I laid down I felt a contraction. A true contraction. EXCITED!! I laid there for awhile and eventually got up after they didn't stop. I went downstairs for awhile and then couldn't keep it to myself much longer so I went upstairs and told Matt I was in labor. By 1:30 a.m. I decided it was time to head into the hospital as the contractions were varying between 3 and 5 minutes apart. After arriving at the hospital I was hooked up to a monitor and they found that the 'big' contractions were 4 minutes apart but I was only 3 cm dilated. The doctor told me to walk the halls for an hour and then we would check vitals again. An hour and a half later I hadn't dilated anymore and the contractions were slowing...significantly. So we were sent home at 5 a.m. with no baby. By the time I got home and found my way to bed contractions had stopped completely. I have no idea what happened. The only thing I know is that we still have no baby. BUT, despite our sleepless drama I know this baby will show its little face eventually. We still have our induction date scheduled and really I could go into labor again anytime. So we will have our baby eventually, we just don't know when exactly.

Let the waiting continue. :)


What a huge disappointment! I saw it on facebook. Baby Craft will come before you know it. It will be worth the wait. Hang in there!
That is a disappointment but at least you know the time is near, and you have had a trial run so you'll definitely be prepared for when the baby comes!

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