Almost 2!!!!

I'm trying not to get my hopes up since those high hopes were dashed when I was expecting Kate. So let me share this very hesitantly. I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I am 50% effaced and almost 2 cm dilated!! At this point in my pregnancy with Kate I was only 1 cm and the doc thought I'd have her two weeks early...a month and one day later I finally did. The doc this time didn't give me any false hopes but hearing that I'm further along in dilating makes me very excited.

My next appointment isn't until Thursday of next week so I'll remain cautiously optimistic until then.

On a much, much different note I have some very exciting house news and pictures to share. I probably won't be prepared to share all of this new, fun stuff until tomorrow though. This is just a little teaser!


Sounds like the baby is thinking about coming out soon! At this rate, you've probably progressed more than me, I have another appt. tomorrow so I'll find out more then. I look forward to pic's!

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