Ugh...more poo spreading...

That subject heading is not a euphemism.

A few weeks back Kate managed to poo on the new carpet without me noticing. I unfortunately found it after she had stepped in it and gleefully spread it around the house. And a very similar incident happened again today. The potty training has been really pretty great but something about successfully completing the #2 business has been a real struggle. I've heard it is common among toddlers, but is it also common to proudly get the stuff in between your toes and run around the house without telling your mom?! Gross. Sadly all of this happened on a day she refused to take a nap. Translation: we were/are both running on empty and at each other's throats.

On a happy note, Kate didn't have any potty accidents today. Hooray for small victories. I think I will celebrate with some pilates and an early bed time.


Hooray for #1 being successful!

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