No changes...

I had my 35 week appointment and nothing exciting to report. Baby is growing so that is good but apparently this kid isn't ready to come out yet...despite my pleadings. Actually, I feel really good most of the time so I can't complain. And this weather has been a God-send for any and all pregnant women. I scheduled my last four doctor appointments. I'm at the point where I will begin going weekly. Doctor said today that this baby will be born most likely before my due date. This rationale stems simply from the fact it is my second I'm not holding out too much hope.

Below is a super cute picture of Kate saying hello to baby. She often asks baby to kick. And I think the baby knows when Kate is around. Almost anytime Kate is on my lap, baby will begin kicking and that thrills Kate!! I find it rather thrilling myself, too.


Courtney said…
What a sweet picture!
That's so sweet that Kate can feel the baby kicking. I've tried a few times with Wendell and either he doesn't have the patience or he doesn't understand. The other day I did get him to kiss my belly which was really cute, too bad I didn't have the camera sitting right there, by the time I came back with it, he was off playing. I can't believe how quickly this is going! I'm stuck between scared and excited. And, I would agree, this weather has been awesome, pregnant or not!

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