What just happened?

Kate has been asking to drag out the blow up swimming pool for weeks now. And after lunch today I finally did so. She insisted she wear her swimsuit despite the fact we were just going to clean the pool first. I tried to explain this to Kate and she grabs me, looks me straight in the eye and says "Me put on suit and hop in pool now." Okay. So she puts on the suit, we grab some cleaning supplies and I get to work on the pool. Shortly after cleaning it we fill it up. Kate wants in. But it is cold so she wants out. Then she decides she MUST get back in. Then she wants out. I hustle inside and run a pot of hot water through the coffee pot. While waiting for the hot water Kate insists she stand in dirt. I inform her that her feet will get dirty, but she does it anyway. After 30 seconds of dirt standing she wants back in the pool. "The dirt on your feet will get in the water." She climbs in anyway. Another 30 seconds later she is upset because the water is now dirty. She then takes off her swim suit and insists on riding her bike in nothing but a swimmer diaper. I run back inside to get the hot water, pour it into the pool and set the coffee pot on a lawn chair. Kate wants back in the water. Nope, now she wants out. I help her out and she immediately runs to the lawn chair. "That coffee pot is still hot. Don't touch or you'll get burned." She picks it up and sticks it to her tummy. Our 'fun' ends with a quick trip to the tub to wash our feet and she passed out about 5 minutes later. Oh, the drama of a 2 year old girl!!


Wow! What an unfun moment. I've been debating on getting out the pool but just haven't done it yet. I'm not sure how much work I want to put into it if Wendell isn't going to enjoy it. Either way, pretty soon I'll need the pool, regardless if Wendell is interested. Hopefully next time is better for you!

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