Potty Training Day

I have been preparing for Potty Training Day for just shy of a week now. Actually, I've probably been anticipating this day since the first time I had to change a poopy diaper. Kate knew this day was coming and she seemed genuinely excited. Which probably also means she had no flippin' clue what I was talking about.
The moment Kate awoke, I gave her a big hug and we head straight to the potty chair. After some tears (Kate only), lots of books, hugs from Elmo and Cheerios she finally went potty on her potty chair. She was thrilled. Danced, sang and boogied her way to the living room to watch Barney; the grand pottying prize. But between 8 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. she had 4 accidents and zero successes. That girl pees ALL THE TIME! So I have come to the conclusion that her bladder is not yet ready for potty training. I dug out a diaper for her bootie and she happily pooped as soon as we got to the park. Glad she wasn't wearing big girl underwear for that!


Don't be too discouraged. I did the same thing with Emily last fall and look where we still are. :op It will come (someday for both of us!). Don't beat yourself up over it.
The past few days, we've been having Wendell sit on his potty off and on. Although, he's willing to sit on it, he hasn't gone in it yet. Not sure how hard we're going to push it but today he actually requested that he sit on the potty.. most likely a new stall tactic for his nap. Oh well.. it will come... some day.

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