Outside bath anyone?

We currently have a bathtub in our yard. Why?! BECAUSE THE CONTRACTOR CALLED TODAY AND ASKED IF THEY COULD START WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dance, dance, party, dance, boogie, twirl, giggle, leap. This was me after hanging up the phone. Apparently my 'bathroom remodel' dance worked. I figured some people do rain dances to bring on the rain, why not try a 'bathroom remodel' dance. Who knew it would work?!
They have been here since noonish and have so far ripped up half the asbestos tile and carpet and removed the bathtub. They just left to pick up the new tub. Whoopie!!!! Here are some goodbye pictures to remember the old bathroom.


glsgls said…
If you have a bath tub in your front yard, you may be a redneck.
Courtney said…
Now, you fit right in with your neighbors. :)

BTW, your background reminds me of a really cool swimsuit that I had when I was about 12.
Sarah Craft said…
I'm going to pretend the bathtub thing only makes me a redneck if it sits in the yard longer than one week. I'll report back on the possible redneck status. :)
I can feel the joy and excitement from here. I think I even heard a choir of angels singing "hallelujah". Glad to hear you have some good news!

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