2009 NCAA Tournament Picks

Some years (or most) Matt questions the rationale behind my NCAA tourney picks. So for the first time in Craft Tales blog history I will explain to the world the logic behind my winning record. (OK, so it is not always winning but I don't do too bad.)

Disclaimer: I am not going to explain all picks because some are just obvious and I didn't have much thought behind them. However, those picks that took thought will be described.

Louisville v Alabama St./Morehead St. - Louisville, duh!

Ohio State v Siena - I've never been 100% fond of the state of Ohio. Not that Iowa is always thrilling but Ohio doesn't sound like it offers much. Plus Siena is a fun school name.

Utah v Arizona - While Utah may have some far out there religious views, I had to choose them because I imagine it to be a very pretty place to live. Plus, I love to downhill ski and I imagine they have some great skiing options. And while I love warm weather, I don't think I could live in the desert.

Wake Forest v Cleveland - See my comments on the state of Ohio

West Virginia v Dayton - Another tough one for me because I never really want to visit West Virginia...it just doesn't sound like my kind of place. Plus the only jobs I ever hear about over there are mining related and I have zero interest in being a miner. And, if I am correct, Dayton is in Ohio...again, see my comments on the state of Ohio.

Kansas v North Dakota - I chose Kansas because I had two friends named Jen who used to live in Kansas City and I always had so much fun visiting them. And yes, I'm aware the school of Kansas is not in Kansas City, but it is close enough.

Boston College v USC - Another really difficult one. My favorite Survivor reality star is Elisabeth Hasselbeck, she is also on The View, but one of my favorite Olympic swimmers, Natalie Coughlin, swam for USC. I ultimately chose USC because after much thought I decided I'd rather be friends with an Olympic swimmer than with a reality star and cohost of the View.

Michigan St v Robert Morris - The name Robert Morris reminds me of Phillip Morris, the cigarette corporation. And while I'm still ticked at Michigan St for never sending me a rejection or acceptance letter to graduate school I ultimately decided against smoking and went with Michigan St.

Connecticut v Chattanooga - While Chattanooga has a much more fun name, I had to choose UConn. I couldn't pick a 16 seed over a 1 seed.

BYU v Texas A&M - I choose BYU only because I think Texas A&M beat Iowa State this year in basketball so this is my revenge in honor of Matt.

Purdue v UNI - UNI OF COURSE!!

Washington v Mississippi - Washington all the way...in this game at least. I would totally rather live in Seattle than anywhere in Mississippi. Seattle is the birth place of grunge rock...enough said.

Marquette v Utah St. - I love the name Marquette.

Missouri v Cornell - There are too many Cornell schools...this one and the one in CR, and there are probably others out there too. And although I have a friend getting her PhD from Cornell I had to choose Missouri. Besides, Cornell is a 14 seed.

California v Maryland - California because it is warmer.

Memphis v Cal St Northridge - Cal St who?...I totally went with Memphis

Pittsburgh v East Tennessee St. - Although I would never, ever want to live in a town or go to a college referred to as Pitt, I had to choose them. Who has ever heard of East Tennessee St?!?!

Oklahoma State v Tennessee - Okie State because it is fun to say. Although I have a friend, Courtney, who lives in Tennessee and from what I can tell she totally loves it there. But Okie State is in the Big 12 and I've been brain washed through this ring on my finger to cheer for Big 12 schools. Well, as long as they aren't playing Iowa State.

Florida State v Wisconsin - Warm v Freezing...Warm wins

Xavier v Portland - I LOVE PORTLAND but Matt has always said he wants to a have a boy, name him Xavier and call him 'X'. So I had to choose Xavier to win this game.

UCLA v VCU - Who is VCU anyway? I choose UCLA.

Villanova v American - American is a college? Villanova.

Texas v Minnesota - My favorite radio DJ is Kellie Rasberry from Kidd Kraddick in the Morning in Dallas, TX. She rocks and so does the show. TEXAS!!

Duke v Binghampton - Duke. I think I once owned and loved a Duke sweatshirt. Fond memories.

North Carolina v Radford - UNC

LSU v Butler - LSU...although I'd love to one day hire a butler for our house.

Illinois v Western Kentucky - I've driven through Kentucky many times and not once have I thought it was an enjoyable place. Illinois on the other hand has lots of great options. My friend, Jen, who used to live in Kansas City, previously referenced, lives in Chicago. Plus Illinois has an IKEA and I bought one of my favorite pairs of shoes ever at a store in Chicago.

Gonzaga v Akron - See my comments on the state of Ohio. Plus Gonzaga is a great name.

Arizona State v Temple - I once owned an Arizona State jacket - why, I have no idea. I think I got it cheap somewhere in my broke, college years. I loved that jacket so I had to choose Arizona State.

Syracuse v Stephen F. Austin - When I was around elementary/middle school I remember my dad watching an NCAA tourney game. One of the teams playing was Syracuse. I heard the name and thought, "NO WAY, there is a school with the name Sarah in it?!" And since that day I have loved Syracuse. Although it wasn't until several years later that I determined it was not spelled Sarahcuse.

Clemson v Michigan - Clemson

Oklahoma v Morgan State - Although I think Morgan is a great name for a girl, I had to choose Oklahoma because I don't know what U.S. city is home to Morgan State. And Oklahoma is a 2 seed.

So there you have it. That was exhausting; spilling my thoughts into print. My rationale has taken my tourney brackets far in past years. I hope they will do so again this year.


KingRooRoo said…
I want to point out to everyone that Sarah usually beats me in the NCAA picks, so you may want to pay close attention.
Your rationale cracks me up (and is something I would totally do)! Sorry to say that UNI didn't win today.. but I hear it was a close game.
This is awesome! I don't have much better rationale for mine. Good luck with your bracket!

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