1, 2, 3, 4, 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate gets smarter by the day. And I'm not bias. :) We were at a basketball game the other day when Kate announced Matt was sitting in seat 5! Then she noticed she was in seat 4, and I was in seat 3. And then today we were playing at the park and she counted the steps as she was walking up them. Of course she did start at the number 4 but she made it all the way to 8, skipped 9 and yelled 10. So she isn't batting a perfect score but close. We practice our counting a lot when going up steps together at home. We will hold hands and I count as we climb. I never thought it would have such a positive influence. Oh, and she also noticed that I had a 5 on my t-shirt today! I'm so impressed, Kate!


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