
So Matt and I are about to transition from double teaming Kate to man-to-man defense. That's right...we are having another baby!!

You know, with this big house we have bedrooms to fill so we figured it was about time to add a fourth to the family. We are not planning to find out whether the baby is a boy or girl and we will not be revealing names. All will be a surprise! What I can share is that we are not having octuplets like that woman on TV!!

We hope the news makes you as happy as it makes us!


Courtney said…
So excited for you Sarah! When is your due date?
Yeah! I'm excited for you guys! How does Kate feel about this?
Anonymous said…
CONGRATS!!! There are babies coming out the wood works. I know couples that are due in April, May, June, July, and August.

I am guessing you're past or near the end of the 1st trimester, which means I may have a September to add to the list. I have found the weeks fly by much faster with the 2nd because you have the first to occupy your time!

Hope you are feeling well and keep us updated!
Sarah Craft said…
You are right Megan...I'm due in September. September 1st to be exact so you can add that month to your list of friends and babies. I haven't been feeling the best through the first trimester. It isn't unbearable but I feel more sick this time than I did with Kate.

Oh, and Kate seems excited, I guess. I don't think she really gets it but what two year old does understand the concept? Kate actually revealed the news to Matt's parents while we were gone one evening. She tried lifting Matt's mom's shirt and kept saying baby, tummy, mommy. Needless to say, she figured it out. :)

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