Kate 1 - Mom 0

I gave up on the potty training. Kate is NOT ready. I can't say for sure but she seems to think a potty chair is something to sit on fully clothed or fully naked. But either way, Kate acts like a potty chair is simply another chair. She sat there reading and then tried to get the kitty to take a turn. After an hour of chasing a naked booty up and down the stairs as she ran from one potty chair to the other, I finally caved. She knew her reward was Barney and there would be no Barney until she pottied. So she sat there crying aloud "p-o-t-t-y, B-a-r-n-e-y!" She was trying so hard and getting so tired. I eventually put a diaper over her underwear before putting her down for nap. I thought leaving the underwear on would cause her to be more uncomfortable if she did go to the bathroom in them. Well she did her business in the underwear but didn't care one cent about the uncomfortableness.

So today she has sat many times on the potty chair but she usually has her pants on. I think I'll wait until she seems to understand a bit more.

The total potty point tally is: Kate 1 - Mom 0

Eventually I will score a point. I will, I will!!


KingRooRoo said…
I'm glad I'm not keeping a running tally for myself. I think the mercy rule would have kicked in because of how far ahead Kate is.
Some day it'll happen... I haven't even tried with Wendell, he won't even sit on the potty chair - clothes or no clothes.

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