Bathroom Update

Hmm...never thought I'd be typing those words into my blog. The rumored start date for the bathroom remodel is the week of February 23rd! Whoopieee!! I can't wait. The plaster girls came to the house today to fill in the giant hole in the bathroom wall. Kate awoke to their noises, hops out of her room and starts laughing hysterically. That is when I knew we were in for a wild day. And wild she has been. Thankfully she has finally tired herself out long enough to get some sleep.

The bathroom remodel date is not yet set in stone but it sounds like all materials will arrive by that date and the contractor has that time slot open. So now we wait patiently to get the final word. I haven't signed anything yet so I suppose I can't begin to trust much until that time arrives. The estimated total project time is one week. I hope they aren't getting my hopes up.


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