
I'm beginning to wonder if our house might not be haunted with a playful ghost. The only odd occurrences happen with Kate's toys. She has a "Melissa and Doug" puzzle with wooden animal pieces. When you place the animal in the correct spot the animal will make a noise. The chicken clucks, the puppy barks, etc. Well a few weeks ago the puzzle began making its animal noises each time we shut off the living room light. But it has since progressed. Sometimes the animals sound when you simply walk past the puzzle. And it isn't the same animal each time. Luckily I haven't noticed the animal pieces moved about the house...yet.

Secondly, Kate got a 'cell phone' for Christmas. If you open the phone and then close it again the phone will ring. Kate LOVES it. However, lately the phone has begun to ring on its own. Like today for example. Kate is asleep in her room, I'm typing away on the computer and the cell phone starts ringing...from inside the toy box. No prompting, nothing. Maybe Kate is really getting a call or maybe someone else is playing with the phone. Someone else who I can't see?

I'll keep you posted.

Oh, and a note on the house. Well after a week's hiatus the plaster girls are back. Only a small hole in the wall is yet to fill. All other holes and gaps have been replaced with sheet rock. And almost the entire kitchen has been taped and coated in one layer of mud. Unfortunately the girls must lay three coats of mud before the project will be complete. They are hoping to be done by the end of the week. I pray that they will be done earlier.

So once the sheet rock is done the next step is to bring in a local handyman who will build in a counter so we may connect our dishwasher. YEAH!!!! I have also started working with Castle Interiors on a bathroom design. They are supposed to have an estimate to us sometime this week. I imagine they probably won't start work on the bathroom for at least a couple of months.

Slowly but surely we are moving in the right direction!

OK! No lie. I am sitting here minding my own business and the rooster on Kate's puzzle started crowing. Weird!


Courtney said…
Haha. Jackson has some of those puzzles. I think they have light sensors in them or something so that they make the sound when you put the correct puzzle piece in place but his go off too when I turn the light off or pull the shade or the sun goes behind the clouds. Trying to put your mind at ease here. "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!"
Julie Ulven said…
Yep, we have the same puzzle and so do my parents. Same things happen with ours. Lights, motion, it all sets the puzzle off. It think cheap wiring and gravity have lot to do with it, too. I house-sat once for a friend who had a Buzz Lightyear that went off in the middle of the night. Had to take the batteries out of it.

Hooray for progress on the kitchen!
Sarah Craft said…
Whew!! Thanks girls. That makes me feel much better...
I had a puzzle of the United States growing up that played the "Star-Spangled Banner" when a certain piece was put into place. After a while it, too, would randomly start going off--usually with changes in light. So it's an age-old problem.

Glad to hear there is progress on the house!

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