Failed Work-Out

So my friend, Heather, was telling me she is actually able to fit in a video work-out with her son awake. Wendell is about one month older than Kate so I figured I too would give it a try. Heather says Wendell will either play while she exercises or he will actually do the exercises with her. So I tell Kate that we are going to do some pilates. I pop in the DVD and lay down to start the work-out. Kate lays down next to me and I think, ooooh, we are onto something. A minute and a half later Kate is draped over me hugging my shoulders like I have abandoned her. And to make the moment even more laughable, Baxter the cat catches wind of the pig pile and runs over to join in the fun. But I'm not a quitter so I keep going. With my legs and one arm in motion I complete a pilates exercise with Kate whining into my collar bone while the cat sniffs my face.

So I got in a good three minute work-out this afternoon. Don't call Suzanne Somers, I don't think she'd be impressed with my muscles. :)


I just did that this morning! Wendell does get clingy every once in awhile and sometimes gets into things because he thinks I'm not looking. If I lay on the floor to do my crunches then he's diffentely jumping on top of me. I guess since I'm kicking and swinging my legs he's knows to stay out the way..??.. Glad you tried, good luck with future workouts!
Courtney said…
Haha. Hilarious.

When I do work-out, which is rare around here, I like to do Tae-Bo but I am afraid to do it when the kids are awake. I'm always afraid one of them will run in front of me right when I do a powerhouse kick or something. Most of my exercise comes from pushing the stroller through the park trails.

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