Twilight Mania

Twilight movie mania hit the world this weekend and I have fallen victim. I LOVE THE MOVIE! In fact I hope to see it again. And even more, I'm thinking I may reread the series. I can't explain the fascination with the books and just need to check it out for yourself.

You may hear whiners say the movie didn't follow the book but, in my opinion, that is a good thing. I have each scene from the book pictured perfectly in my head and if the movie would have tried to follow the book exactly then I would have been disappointed. Why? Because the movie could in no way match my inner visions. Instead the movie moved things around, added new little pieces and ta-da, it was like reading Twilight 2.0.

Although some of the forest action scenes were a little odd, I still give this movie 5 out of 5 stars. And to those friends out there still planning to see the movie, you better invite me. You know who you are!!


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