Well that's a bust...

So I have good news and bad news.

Bad news: We won't save $743 on our heating bill this season.

Good news: We won't have to pay for new insulation.

Going on the recommendation from our energy audit last week, an insulation contractor came to the house today. He informed me that to insulate the house they will drill a hole every 16" on the outside. Eek! I wondered what this hole would look like so he said he would try one out for me to see. And guess what, he drilled the hole, peeked inside and found that our house is already insulated. Apparently our insulation is dark enough that when the energy company was here they couldn't see the insulation inside the wall when peering into the electrical socket. So a mix of emotions here.

I am happy we will no longer have to front a huge insulation bill but I'm disappointed to learn our heating bill fate. We need to become more creative in our methods of energy reduction. Maybe we could drape the outside of the house in bubble wrap. Or we could have a winter home in Florida. I'm open to either but probably more so the latter.

Despite this fact, Kate isn't afraid of the cold. In fact she was spotted running around in flip flops sans clothes just the other day. Here is the evidence.


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