The Unthinkable

In the world of a stay-at-home mom Kate did the absolute unthinkable today. She didn't take a nap. For a working person, naptime sounds like an opportunity to watch tv, read a book or fall asleep on the couch. While this may be true sometimes, naptime also means the chance to sit still for longer than 30 seconds, take a bit of food without fetching, cutting and ducking pieces of Kate's lunch, and naptime is the one moment of day you can visit the restroom without someone prying open the door while crying mamamamama like she hasn't seen you in three months. Naptime is a chance to hear nothing but your own thoughts, to listen to grown-up music and maybe even call a friend to hear an adult voice. BUT, despite the above I have to say my day ended up pretty great. In large part due to Mom's Morning Out and to our lunchtime visit to my friend, Heather's, house. Without those two moments of adulthood this morning I may have never survived the afternoon and evening. Of course the evening isn't over but Dad is braving the Kate bathwaters tonight.

And despite zero naps Kate was so great that she spent 20 minutes dancing shirtless watching her reflection in the oven tonight. She pulled out dance moves I've only seen in Footloose, Center Stage or Saturday Night Fever.

Finally, I want to update everyone on Kate's vocabulary progress. She is still focused on words that begin with b. However she is adding to the list of b words all the time. Her ever growing list includes:
ball, bowl, bug, bump, bus, beans, bag, bike, bed, bee (although she usually just 'buzzes' in place of the word bee) and many others. Of course the words are not 100% clear but she gets better all the time. She is also attempting other words but still has a ways to go. Well I'm off to hug Kate goodnight.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


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