A Childhood Favorite

I love chicken and dumplings. I always have loved it. It was my favorite growing up and the few times I've tried to make it on my own just didn't turn out the same. I found a slow cooker chicken and dumplings recipe online that received rave reviews so I am going to try it out tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to say the same after dinner.

My sister, Lindsay, came down with the stomach flu Sunday night. The same day she left our house after spending the weekend. Her illness was a bit different than what we suffered through last week. I pray we don't get sick again. Keep your fingers crossed for us and for Lindsay to feel better soon. The flu season is off to a rough start for this family. Blah.


How did the dumplings turn out? I've only had dumplings once and they weren't that good but maybe a good recipe will turn my opinion around.
Sarah Craft said…
They turned out great. Even Matt who seemed a bit skeptical about this dish loved it. Here is a link to the recipe if you'd like to give it a try. Oh, I cut the recipe in half and chopped up a bunch of carrots and celery to add a little health and color.


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