Worky work, busy bee

Well LeAnn, Kate and I pulled weeds, dug holes, trimmed shrubs and planted flowers most of the day Monday. It seems that weeds have overtaken much of the yard so Matt has been dealing with that. I think we are all a bit tired from the hard work. I also did a little painting this weekend. I'm trying to decide which colors to paint where. With each small change the house feels less like we are visiting and more like our home.

Matt and I were planning to run a half marathon (13.1 miles) this coming Sunday. A race we have been training for since sometime in March. But we recently learned that because of the severe flooding the route has been changed and it will only be 10 miles instead of 13.1. I'm not too disappointed since I've already raced two half marathons but this would have been Matt's first. So we will run the 10 mile race this weekend and then most likely begin training for another half marathon. Anyone interested in joining us?!


glsgls said…
Run in the winter and maybe I will join you.

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