The word for today is jute.

Actually 'jute' is my new cuss word. The previous owners of our new house left us huge, beautiful, expensive rugs. But hiding underneath these rugs were jute pads. They're basically very cushiony carpet pads made of jute; a material used to make rope. Well the jute is very, very, very old and is rapidly deteriorating. This wouldn't be a problem if the jute were to stay under the rugs but it instead finds it way out and gets dust everywhere. Thankfully its not a hazardous fiber, it just creates a mess.

Well for those who know me well, if I get an idea in my head I cannot get past it. During Kate's nap yesterday I put on my dust mask, threw off the 30 foot rug and started rolling up the jute pad. Not only did the jute pad fall apart it had left itsy bitsy pieces all over the floor, the rug and me. Mildew had grown in spots underneath the pad and jute was stuck to each mildewy spot. I of course couldn't lift the jute pad out of the house by myself so I had to drag it across the floor, spreading jute throughout the dining room, kitchen and back porch. I swept, scraped, scrubbed and mopped and soon realized that while the mildew and jute were gone, the floor was going to remain spotted unless I refinished it. But that isn't happening unless I write a check. So the rug went right back where it originally had laid.

At least the jute was gone from the floor. It's just too bad there is also jute under every other rug in the house. But I'm not touching it unless I get help next time. An army of help.

By the way, I would have taken some pictures but I was too covered in jute to even find the camera.


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