Mind your own business lady

There is this one woman in town that seems to be out to get me. I'm actually exaggerating but my two encounters have not been pleasant. The first encounter was back in November. I was painting for someone and she knocks on the door to tell me that the outside porch light is on and that I should turn it off. I left it on out of spite. So she starts telling me random stories interspersed with porch light comments. I finally told her I had to get back to painting and she again reminded me of the light. FINE! I turned it off and gently pressed her out the door.

Now to today. Kate and I were out for a walk in the beautiful afternoon air when I crossed paths with 'porch light lady'. She sees Kate squinting in the sun and says to me "you should get the sun out of it's eyes". First of all, my child is clearly a girl. What about her pink polk-a-dot shirt and flower sandals screamed asexual baby? Secondly, I painstakingly tried to keep Kate's hat on her head and lost that battle about seven blocks ago. Finally, leave me alone.

For anyone in LPC reading this post right now, I will not reveal "porch light lady" but if you have an encounter with a tall, white haired lady babbling about energy conservation and blind babies, please email and we'll talk.


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