The joys of motherhood

Kate and I went to lunch with some friends today. The experience started pleasant and ended in well, you'll see.

We arrive and I order something for Kate from the kid's menu in addition to my own lunch. The food is brought to the table and Kate refuses to look at her lunch much less eat it. So I let her blow bubbles in her milk while I try to throw down my lunch and make conversation. We had all (THANKFULLY) finished our meals when Kate exploded from the top end. Vomit was everywhere and it didn't seem to stop. I watched in horror while my two veteran mom friends sprung into action. I literally had no idea what to do, so I grabbed Kate's $4.00 basket of untouched lunch and let her get sick into that. So much for the doggie bag. One friend runs to get rags while the other kindly suggests I take Kate to the bathroom. I return to life from my state of shock and grab Kate. We run to the bathroom only to discover the women's room is full. I run into the men's bathroom instead and lock the door. I do my best at wiping both of us down while Kate gleefully runs around the bathroom sticking her hands in urinals. Could this get any more disgusting??

Several paper towel rolls later we emerge from the bathroom reeking of indescribable grossness. My one poor friend has to ride in the car home with us. I'm surprised she was able to breathe at all because I know I couldn't. Upon our return home the car was thoroughly aired out while Kate, our clothes and I soaked in the tub for a very long time.

I would post a picture of today's drama but Google would surely censor the horrific scene. I would also like to give a huge thank you to my two friends who cleaned up the mess and put on their best "it's okay" smiles. Thanks girls, I'm pretty sure I owe you big time.


Anonymous said…
Hey Sarah,
Matt mentioned your blog to me, so I wanted to let you know that I was reading. I've really enjoyed what I've read so far!
You are welcome to read my blog as well, as they are similarly themed. Though I have much less about Ellie and more random quotes, cooking adventures, craft dabbling, and personal reflections.

Hopefully we can get together soon, our "babies" are getting so BIG!
Anonymous said…
Hmmm...wonder what the WHL (white-haired lady) would say about this...

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