
Hi there! Kate and I were excitedly playing blocks the other day when I noticed her very first tooth. Yep, it only took 13 and 1/2 months of chewing and drooling. After dancing with Kate to celebrate this momentous event, I realized that this news may be of interest to others that care about Kate so I decided to start a blog. A way for family and friends to keep up on our life.

For those unfamiliar with the 'internets' the word blog originates from the word weblog. Drop the 'we' and you have 'blog'. My intentions are to update this blog as often as possible with tidbits from daily life. It will most likely include more than my adventures with Kate. It will include updates on the new house appropriately titled Craft Cottage (actually we're still working on a name but this is what we are using for now), vacations, our half-marathon and triathlon (at least we intended to complete such races), the potentially humorous training for our half-marathon and triathlon and much more. I hope you return and check up on us again. And please post a comment.


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